52 years in the making and the wait is finally over!!! San Francisco Giants, World Champions!!! Needless to say, I took a little break from editing wedding photos to make it out to the city for the team's victory parade. And what a parade it was! With a few hours still before the parade's start, all of Market Street was pretty much taken over, and, by the time the first classic car drove by, the entire curb was packed! Everyone was in attendance, and Bochy, Cain, Posey, Lincecum, Wilson and the rest of team all showed up to thank the fans! This was definitely one for the memories (you can only win your "first" once, right?) and I was so stoked to have been there! And to those kind "neighbors" that I was with me there in the crowd, send me an email and I'll be sure to get you the group shots I took of you!
2 hours to go... patiently waiting...
Anything for a good view...
Finding a new use for the vuvuzela
Hall of Fame announcer, John Miller!
Viral Video Guy... look up "Don't Stop Believing SF Giants" on YouTube for more
So shiny...
Ross the Boss!
Posey... Rookie of the Year!
Where's the Machine?!
What's a Victory parade without a rally thong!
The Man!